SMMH – You Know You’re On The Big Island When…

This is a guest post by Charles Bohannan of Wordful.  You can find the original post here.

Photo: StuSeeger

  1. You can go surfing and snowboarding on the same day, and still have time for a hike.
  2. Driving around the Island takes at least three times longer than any other Hawaiian Island (there are 260 miles of shoreline).
  3. The climate changes suddenly and dramatically. You could find yourself in polar tundra, tropical monsoon or hot desert, to name a few.
  4. You can literally drive up to and stand at the highest point in the Pacific Ocean, 13,796 ft. atop Maunakea. While you’re at it, you might as well wait until nightfall to indulge in some of finest stargazing in the world.
  5. Sand is black, white, gold or green. Or, on many of the beaches–no sand at all, just lava rocks.
  6. You’re sharing space with a volcano (Kilauea) that’s been continuously erupting since 1983. If conditions are right, you can park your car, hike in and come face to face with red hot, molten lava!
  7. The vog gets so thick on some days that you can’t even see the ocean or mountains from a few short miles away.
  8. The coffee you’re drinking was likely grown right down the road–and it’s darn good, too. Same with those macadamia nuts you’re eating.
  9. You can hike for days–maybe even weeks–without the slightest hint of civilization.
  10. The people are more laid back, friendly and unassuming than anywhere else in Hawaii. Okay, so I’m a little biased…

Explore more here.

About the Author


Charles Bohannan is the Editor of Wordful, an unconventional blog about writing, creativity and publishing. He resides in Waimea on the Big Island of Hawaii with his wife and 4 children.

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