How are you?

Yes, I’m talking to you. Thanks for stopping by.

I know this year has been a dumpster fire (to say the very least…) but I hope you’re doing what you can to take care of you.

Me? I’ve been doing what I can to maintain my wellbeing.

That has included…

Being present with my daughter and husband.

Sharing reiki with friends and family.

Deepening my yoga practice with 200HR & 300HR certifications.

Participating in a Mindfulness Meditation Training with best-selling author Eline Snel. I had the opportunity to make friends from around the world in my cohort through her International Academy of Mindful Teaching. I’m currently working on bringing my pilots to life.

I’ve been accepted into a Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield (Class of 2023).

Absorbing a ton of Ramit Sethi’s teachings and had the wonderful opportunity to work with him.

Learning from Tim Denning and Todd Brison as I start writing on Medium.

Studying for and debating taking the Project Management Professionals Exam.

Offering help to others as a DDI certified interviewer.

So, since you’re here what can I do for you?

With love and gratitude,